La Rugby Football League (RFL – Fédération Anglaise de rugby à XIII) a confirmé dans un communiqué officiel (cf. ci-après) le retour du Toulouse Olympique en championnat de France Elite dès la saison 2011/2012.
La RFL précise que cette décision a été prise en concertation avec la FFR XIII et le TO XIII, et confirme que ce dernier gardera le contact avec les clubs britanniques au travers de la Carnegie Challenge Cup et de la Northern Rail Cup. En effet, le club de la Ville Rose bénéficiera, sur les 3 prochaines saisons, d’un billet d’entrée ‘automatique’ pour ces compétitions.
La puissante Fédération Anglaise témoigne ainsi de la confiance et de l’estime qu’elle porte au Toulouse Olympique.
Le communiqué de la RFL :
Toulouse to return to French competition
The RFL can confirm that Toulouse Olympique will not play in the Co-operative Championship and are to return to the French domestic competition in 2012.
The decision was reached following full consultation between the RFL, the French Federation and Toulouse, who will continue to face regular competition against British opposition in both the Carnegie Challenge Cup and Northern Rail Cup.
Toulouse have been guaranteed a place in the Northern Rail Cup for 2012 and automatic entry into the Challenge Cup for the next three seasons.
The absence of Toulouse, allied to Widnes Vikings’ success in securing a three-year Super League licence from the 2012 season, means that the Co-operative Championships are expected to comprise two 10-team competitions next year.
The RFL is currently in the process of finalising the structure of the Championships for 2012 and is awaiting an application to participate in the Championship from Crusaders.